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Jack's on the Net
May 29, 2020
Dosojin (Shinto Stone Kami)
Written By Sarah-Anne As a lover of all things Studio Ghibli I knew at one time or another I would want to incorporate the studios...
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Jack's on the Net
May 23, 2020
Tutorial # 6 - Creating Realistic Stone (Version 2)
Written by Sarah-Anne Our very first tutorial also focused on how to paint realistic stone, but was designed for when a uniform, man-made...
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Jack's on the Net
May 10, 2020
Project Showcase: White Sands
An experiment piece to test out inexpensive and readily-available building materials, in this case, Popsicle sticks!
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Jack's on the Net
May 1, 2020
Let's Build! Victorian Ruins Pt 6 - Scattered Rubble
Look no further for easy scatter terrain to use up all your foam scraps on hand!
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Jack's on the Net
Apr 25, 2020
Let's Build! Gypsy Vardos Pt 2 - The Paint
Part two of the creation of my Gypsy (Roma) vardos. Adding much-needed colour and vibrancy to a very dark time!
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Jack's on the Net
Apr 25, 2020
Let's Build! Gypsy Vardos Pt 1 - The Build
Part 1 of the project to build my very own Gypsy Vardos - perfect for any steampunk, medieval, or fantasy gaming tables!
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Jack's on the Net
Apr 10, 2020
And now for something Completely Different...
Because I'm a sucker for punishment I didn't feel like I had enough terrain for my Ruined Victorian City and attempted my largest build yet!
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Jack's on the Net
Apr 3, 2020
Custom Sandstone Miniature Bases
This project will show you how to create your own custom stone bases and can be used for cobble, flagstone or sandstone!
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Jack's on the Net
Mar 29, 2020
Canadian Highlander: The MTG format where 'Spikes' cast weird uncommons off a Black Lotus
Written by Nathon Cook Today's blog is written by a special guest! Since being introduced to Magic back in M14 as a way to kill time in...
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Jack's on the Net
Mar 20, 2020
Product Review: The Army Painter Special Edition Complete Paint Set
We made a large investment to up our painting game with the Complete Paint Set from The Army Painter!
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Jack's on the Net
Mar 13, 2020
Project Showcase: A Knight for Jack's on Queen
What do you get when you cross a knight, and jack, and a queen?
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Jack's on the Net
Mar 6, 2020
DIY Miniature Paint Rack
A quick and easy one-day build; a rack made from foam board to hold your miniature paint bottles!
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Jack's on the Net
Feb 28, 2020
Let's Build! Victorian Ruins Pt 5 - A Secret Garden
For the focal point of my ruined Victorian city I created a walled garden, where nature is beginning to reclaim her own...
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Jack's on the Net
Feb 21, 2020
Let's Build! Victorian Ruins Pt 4 - Overgrown Planters
Written by Sarah-Anne At the same time as I was creating the fountain for my ruined Victorian City, I was also building these planters to...
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Jack's on the Net
Feb 16, 2020
Let's Build! Victorian Ruins Pt 3 - Stone Fountain
Within the ruined Victorian City is a walled garden, overgrown and slowly returning to nature. And at it's centre lies a fountain...
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Jack's on the Net
Feb 14, 2020
Tutorial #5 - Painting Stucco
There are many uses for stucco or plaster on your tabletop terrain, look no further for a quick but effective way to paint it!
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Jack's on the Net
Feb 7, 2020
Battle for Georgian Bay
Written by Sarah-Anne This past Saturday our little gaming group had the privilege to host the very first Canadian Tournament of the...
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Jack's on the Net
Jan 14, 2020
Red is not a primary Colour
Red in subtractive colour theory is not a primary colour, this blog will go through why this is important.
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Jack's on the Net
Jan 8, 2020
Welcome to our Blog!
I’ve heard it said that having children can make you redefine your relationship with your hobbies, and we were no exception...
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Jack's on the Net
Jan 5, 2020
Let's Build! Victorian Ruins Pt 2
Written by Sarah-Anne In this post I walk you through how I painted the buildings created in Part 1 of this series. If you missed that...
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